Key Resources

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Which resources are indispensable to your product/service.

The key resources in the business model canvas can be divided into 4 categories:

Material or technical: what premises are required (e.g. restaurant, shop, warehouse, offices)? Are machines required for production, for example? What technical equipment is required? Are vehicles required? Some business models require a large area or special raw materials.

Knowledge-based: should property rights such as trade marks or patents be registered in order to secure a lead over the competition? Are there special recipes or processes that are used? Or is it mainly a question of acquiring and analysing customer data?

Team: What key qualifications do the employees need? How many employees and which departments are required?

Finances: How much capital is required to grow and become profitable? Which sources should be used for financing?

The focus of the presentation is on key resources: Which resources are absolutely necessary to successfully build the company?

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